Statutory Holidays - Worked:
Time + 1/2 for the first 12 hours worked and double-time for any work over 12 hours; plus an average day’s pay.
Average day’s pay = Total wages in the 30 calendar days before the statutory holiday divided by number of days worked. Total wages includes wages, commissions, statutory holiday pay, and vacation pay but does not include overtime pay. Payments from benefit plans are not considered wages for the purposes of this section.
Statutory Holidays - Not Worked:
Average day’s pay
Average day’s pay = Total wages in the 30 calendar days before the statutory holiday divided by number of days worked. Total wages includes wages, commissions, statutory holiday pay, and vacation pay but does not include overtime pay. Payments from benefit plans are not considered wages for the purposes of this section.
*The average day's pay provided applies whether or not the statutory holiday falls on the employee's regularly scheduled day off.
Employee Eligibility of Statutory Holiday Pay:
- has been employed at least 30 days
- has worked on at least 15 of the 30 days before the statutory holiday