Stat Holidays - Worked:
Regular wages for hours worked plus an indemnity OR regular wages plus alternate day.
The indemnity is 1/20 wages less OT in previous 4 weeks.
For commission employees, the indemnity is 1/60 wages earned in the previous 12 weeks.
Stat Holidays - Not Worked:
Average daily wage
If wages vary, the rate is arrived at by taking 1/20th of the wages in the last four weeks worked prior to the holiday (excluding overtime)
For commissioned employees, the payment must be equal to 1/60th of the wages earned during the 12 complete weeks of pay before the holiday.
Employee Eligibility of Statutory Holiday Pay:
- is not be absent without valid cause or employer consent on the working day before or the working day after the holiday
- is employed on the day of the holiday and work on that day if required (for the June 24 National Holiday only)