Maternity or Pregnancy Leave: 18 weeks or 15 weeks / 5 weeks or 3 weeks
Under QPIP: Choosing special plan increases benefit amount but decreases the time period of the claim. Maternity leave totals 18 weeks under basic plan and 15 weeks under special plan. Paternity leave totals 5 weeks under the basic and 3 weeks under the special plan.
Parental Leave (available to either parent): 32 weeks or 25 weeks
Under QPIP: Choosing special plan increases benefit amount but decreases the time period of the claim. Paternity leave totals 5 weeks under the basic and 3 weeks under the special plan. Parental leave totals 32 weeks under the basic plan and 25 weeks under special plan.
Bereavement: 1 day / 4 days
One day with pay upon the death or funeral of his or her spouse (“consort”), child (including a spouse’s child), mother, father, brother or sister that occurs on a working day. The employee may also be absent from work without pay for four more days on such occasions.
Compassionate/ Family Care/ Responsibility: 10 days / 12 weeks
Eligible employees may take up to 12 weeks’ unpaid leave per employment year if the circumstances of their loved ones require it; If an employee’s child, under 18 years old, has a serious and possibly fatal illness, an eligible employee may extend their leave to 104 weeks.
Child Care: 5 days
The employee may be absent for five days on birth/adoption of a child or where there is a termination of pregnancy in or after the 20th week. The employee is entitled to first two days with pay if he or she has at least 60 days of uninterrupted service with the same employer. Other three days are without pay.
Disappearance of a Child Leave: 52 weeks for disappearance
Serious injuries to child or death due to a crime: 104 weeks
Sick Leave: 26 weeks
Employees who have completed three months of uninterrupted service may take up to 26 weeks of unpaid leave in a 12-month period (starting from the day of the first absence) due to illness or injury without pay. Does not apply to work related illnesses or industrial accident or occupational diseases.
Organ donation leave is available.