Maternity or Pregnancy Leave: '17 weeks after 1 year of employment
Maximum combined pregnancy/parental leave is 52 weeks. The longer period of parental leave applies if maternity/pregnancy leave is not taken.
Parental Leave (available to either parent): 35 or 52 weeks after 1 year of employment
Maximum combined pregnancy/parental leave is 52 weeks. The longer period of parental leave applies if maternity/pregnancy leave is not taken.
Bereavement: '5 days
Five days on death of a spouse, child or ward, or parent/guardian, grandparent, grandchild, sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law or brother-in-law.
Compassionate/ Family Care/ Responsibility: 28 weeks (If employed at least three months.)
Critical Illness of a Child Leave: 37 weeks within a 52 week period (If employed at least three months)
Death or Disappearance of a Child Leave: 104 weeks for death, 52 weeks for disappearance (If employed at least three months)
Sick Leave: 3 days